Love and Passion

Love and Passion

Bouquet of red roses and fresh oriental

A bouquet of red roses and ten fresh orientals evoke unique and unrepeatable emotions. Give it to people you love.

Η επιτομή της <strong>πολυτέλειας</strong> συγκεντρωμένη σε μία και μόνο ανθοδέσμη.<br/> Κόκκινα τριαντάφυλλα και δέκα ολόφρεσκα οριεντάλ προκαλούν <strong>συναισθήματα μοναδικά και ανεπανάληπτα</strong>.<br/> Χαρίστε την σε ανθρώπους που αγαπάτε.

Kind: Bouquet

Price: 43.00€


Recommended occasions: Affiance | Birthday | Anniversary | Love you

Product description

The epitome of luxury gathered in a single bouquet.
Red roses and ten fresh orientals evoke unique and unrepeatable emotions .
Give it to people you love.

Red rose x10
White oriental x4
Flowers, always fresh at the best market prices!

FREE delivery

For orders inside Attica, above 60€!

-5% for preorders

Extra discount on orders with delivery date more than 3 days later!

Delivery in the same day

Orders within Attica region are delivered in the same day
