Pure beauty

Pure beauty

White bouquet with roses, oriental and chrysanthemums

The combination of white flowers in this bouquet, makes it ideal to show the duration and purity of your feelings

Ο συνδυασμός των άσπρων λουλουδιών σε αυτή την ανθοδέσμη, την καθιστά ιδανική για να δείξετε τη <strong>διάρκεια</strong> και την <strong>αγνότητα</strong> των συναισθημάτων σας. Ιδανικό και πρωτότυπο δώρο για αρραβώνα, γέννηση και γιορτές.

Kind: Bouquet

Price: 56.00€


Recommended occasions: Affiance | Birth | Birthday

Product description

The combination of white flowers in this bouquet makes it ideal to show the duration and purity of your feelings. Ideal and original gift for engagement, birth and celebrations.

White rose x10
White oriental x3
White chrysanthemum x3
Flowers, always fresh at the best market prices!

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Orders within Attica region are delivered in the same day
